Life Shift offers professional interventions and trainings for personal, professional and organizational growth. We offer a number of programs perfectly designed for families, school systems, human service and health care organizations, and community businesses.
Work Place Violence Prevention
The pressures of today’s society can often lead to unexpected, and sometimes tragic, incidents in the work place. Life Shift can provide the tools necessary to identify potential issues, diffuse conflict and reach peaceful resolutions.
Anti Harassment
Educating your work force on the signs and prevention of harassment is critical for any business. Through effective training and the right tools, Life Shift helps businesses create a culture that is harassment free.
Team Building
The power of the team has never been more important than now. With shrinking budgets and staff cuts, the collective efforts of a team can produce great outcomes. Life Shift helps businesses optimize their environment so they can effectively support team building.
Substance Abuse Prevention
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Nowhere is that more true than when discussing substance abuse prevention. Families, school groups and companies turn to Life Shift for the tools necessary to avoid substance use and abuse.
Customer Service
Every business knows the importance of their customers. A company cannot survive – or thrive – without a solid customer base. With that comes the need for excellent customer service. Life Shift offers professional training for employees so they can enhance the customer experience.
Positive Thinking
The power of positive thinking is more than a catch phrase. It can change your outlook on life, help you accomplish your dreams and influence those around you. Life Shift can teach you the steps to improve the way you think and, in turn, your outcomes.
Problem Solving
When life throws you a curve ball, we sometimes struggle with finding the best solution to fix the problem. Life Shift helps you develop the skills to solve even some of life’s most difficult problems.
Anger Management
Anger is a natural reaction to something that bothers you. Do you, however, find yourself going over the top or becoming violent? Life Shift can help by providing insight on identifying triggers, diffusing your anger and developing effective ways to communicate.
Feel Better. Do Better.
When you feel good, you can accomplish great things both personally and professionally. Life Shift can help you develop ways to feel better physically and emotionally so that you can do better at the things that are important in your life.
Substance Abuse Interventions
Defined as the consistent use of mood and mind altering chemicals until intoxication, substance abuse typically causes negative outcomes for the person, their family and loved ones. Taking proactive steps to break the cycle of addiction, Life Shift works with the individual to identify the problem, provide possible solutions and implement realistic solutions.
Cultural Diversity
We live in one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Companies with a diverse work force must invest in the strategies to promote diversity. Life Shift provides the appropriate training to embrace and enhance diversity.
Conflict Resolution
Whether in a personal relationship or work environment, conflict resolution is key to reaching outcomes peacefully and agreeably. Life Shift understands the importance of effective conflict resolution and trains both individuals and businesses on reaching positive resolutions.
Anti Bullying
One need only to look at today’s headlines to know that bullying remains an issue confronting schools and the work place. Modern times have extended bullying to electronic world, including the internet and cell phones. Learn how to prevent, identify and address bullying through Life Shift.
Time Management
Your calendar is booked solid, and you are constantly running from place to place. But do you feel like you are not getting anything done? Time management can help you take back your life, accomplish the things that are most important and have a sense of satisfaction when the day is done. Talk with a Life Shift consultant to make the most of your valuable time.
Positive Parenting
Staying positive while the toddler is screaming or the teen ignores you can be extremely challenging even for the calmest parents. Life Shift understands and can help with the keys to age-appropriate communication and behavior outcomes.
Are there times when you wished you would have spoken up but did not because of fear, worry or concern of what others may think? Learn the right ways to assert yourself in both personal relationships and the work place.
Program Development/Management
Businesses often want to create a new service or launch a major project but are unsure of all the steps needed to be successful. Life Shift offers the expertise through all the stages to guarantee a smooth launch and effective, ongoing management.